The Vision of Escaflowne
Sunrise Studios produced and directed 26 episodes of The Vision of Escaflowne. It started April 2, 1996 on TV Tokyo and ended September 24, 1996. Animax, Sony's anime satellite station, aired the series in Japan and worldwide, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Bandai Entertainment has Region 1 rights. Hitomi is dragged from Earth to Gaea when Van appears on the high school track battling a dragon. In Gaea, the Zaibach Empire tries to take over. Van and Allen command Escaflowne to stop the Zaibach Empire. Hitomi's fortune-telling talents grow in Gaea, where she helps awaken Escaflowne and stop Zaibach's intentions. During the anime's production, two manga retellings were written and released: The Vision of Escaflowne and Hitomi—The Vision of Escaflowne. Escaflowne—Memories Energist's was a 1997 shjo adaption. Yumiko Tsukamoto, Hajime Yatate, and Shoji Kawamori adapted the story into six light novels. Escaflowne: The Movie was released on June 24, 2000, but it's merely a rudimentary adaption. The series has four CD soundtracks and a drama CD.
Released: 1996-04-02