The Familiar of Zero
Let me introduce you to Louise, a young magician who is just starting out. Her current record of zero accomplishments with magic has earned her the nickname "Zero Louise" among her peers at Tristein Academy. This is owing to the fact that she has never mastered any form of magic. In point of fact, most of the time her magic ends up in a hilariously disastrous way. Now, as a significant part of the evaluation process to determine how adept she is at using magic, she is required to conjure a familiar to serve as her attendant. At this crucial juncture, she channels all of her magic and makes a wish for a familiar that is "devoted, attractive, and powerful." Instead, she receives... Hiraga Saito, a typical Japanese teenager. It is hard to determine who is more astonished and upset, but the regulations do not permit any second chances. Louise is unable to escape her weird familiar, and he is unable to escape Louise.
Released: 2006-07-03